Thursday, September 3, 2009

kirbyourupdates: kirbyourenthusiasm is making the transition to an all music blog!

Hello bloggers/subscribers,

First off, I'm sooo sorry I've been off on my updates. The life of a jack-of-all-trades, master-at-none is not an easy one. . .Had to get upon my grown-up grind and take care of some business. . .lol. But I'm back now and ready to take it to the next level with my blog. . .

I originally intended for this blog to be something of a catch-all blog that really alludes to my personality. However, as I'm making my way into this world, I'm realizing that MAYBE (and you have to understand that this is a BIG one for me, lol) I want to master something: music. I've always loved music, and combined with dance, there's nothing more amazing that I'd rather do. . .So I dedicating this blog to bringing you all updates on the new/hot things in the entertainment/music/dance industries because although I'm not usually into the whole pop culture scene, the craft I've started to fortify lends itself to outside influence. . .Because what we all need to realize is that NOTHING is completely new. . .Everything is sampled and/or borrowed from something else. So the things that I post on my blog from this point seriously influences my craft and what I hope to become; whether it be positive or negative. . .So sit back, relax, and let me kirbyourmusicenthusiasm. . .

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